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Winner Announcement Muc-Off Pressure washer Giveaway!

15 Oct 2020
durch Bas

Last weekend everybody had the change to participate in our Muc-Off pressure washer giveaway!

We received a lot of positive respons on the giveaway from you guys, which made it even better to giveaway these 3 powerful pink bastards!

The winners of the giveaway will be washing their bikes with these special made pressure washers for bicycles and motorcycles in no-time!


The 3 lucky winners of this giveaway are:

Mitchel Snikkers

Stijn Vandermeulen

Harro Heuvelink


*The lucky winners have already been contacted through E-mail

Didn't win this time?

No Worries! We now also offer the pressure washer itself on our webshop so you can gift it to yourself!

Check it out here!

Not interested in buying the entire pressure washer?

Luckily Muc-Off also offers quiet a big range of motorcycle care taking products for all your beautiful bikes out there! So not just for keeping it clean, but also for keeping it greasy!

Check it out here!